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E. C. McKenzie, Di Concetto, S., Payton, M. E., Mandsager, R. E., and Arko, M., Effect of dantrolene premedication on various cardiovascular and biochemical variables and the recovery in healthy isoflurane-anesthetized horses., American journal of veterinary research, vol. 76, no. 4, pp. 293-301, 2015.
E. C. McKenzie, Valberg, S. J., Godden, S. M., Pagan, J. D., MacLeay, J. M., Geor, R. J., and Carlson, G. P., Effect of dietary starch, fat, and bicarbonate content on exercise responses and serum creatine kinase activity in equine recurrent exertional rhabdomyolysis., Journal of veterinary internal medicine / American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine, vol. 17, no. 5, pp. 693-701, 2003.
E. C. McKenzie, Garrett, R. L., Payton, M. E., Riehl, J. H., Firshman, A. M., and Valberg, S. J., Effect of feed restriction on plasma dantrolene concentrations in horses., Equine veterinary journal, vol. 42 Suppl 38, pp. 613-7, 2010.
C. J. Finno, McKenzie, E. C., Valberg, S. J., and Pagan, J., Effect of fitness on glucose, insulin and cortisol responses to diets varying in starch and fat content in Thoroughbred horses with recurrent exertional rhabdomyolysis., Equine veterinary journal, vol. 42 Suppl 38, pp. 323-8, 2010.
E. C. McKenzie, Esser, M. M., McNitt, S. E., and Payton, M. E., Effect of infusion of equine plasma or 6% hydroxyethyl starch (600/0.75) solution on plasma colloid osmotic pressure in healthy horses., Am J Vet Res, vol. 77, no. 7, pp. 708-14, 2016.
D. MS, KW, H., KK, W., McKenzie, E. C., and CM, R., Effect of multiday exercise on serum hormone and substrate concentrations in racing sled dogs, Comparative Exercise Physiology , pp. 197-205, 2020.
E. C. McKenzie, Valberg, S. J., Godden, S. M., Finno, C. J., and Murphy, M. J., Effect of oral administration of dantrolene sodium on serum creatine kinase activity after exercise in horses with recurrent exertional rhabdomyolysis., American journal of veterinary research, vol. 65, no. 1, pp. 74-9, 2004.
L. L. Durocher, Hinchcliff, K. W., Williamson, K. K., McKenzie, E. C., Holbrook, T. C., Willard, M., Royer, C. M., and Davis, M. S., Effect of strenuous exercise on urine concentrations of homovanillic acid, cortisol, and vanillylmandelic acid in sled dogs., American journal of veterinary research, vol. 68, no. 1, pp. 107-11, 2007.
M. Davis, Williamson, K., McKenzie, E. C., Royer, C., Payton, M., and Nelson, S., Effect of training and rest on respiratory mechanical properties in racing sled dogs., Medicine and science in sports and exercise, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 337-41, 2005.
K. F. Duesterdieck-Zellmer, Riehl, J., McKenzie, E. C., Firshman, A. M., Payton, M. E., and M Gorman, E., Effects of abdominocentesis technique on peritoneal fluid and clinical variables in horses., Equine Veterinary Education, vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 262-268, 2014.
K. K. Williamson, Willard, M. D., McKenzie, E. C., Royer, C. M., Payton, M. E., and Davis, M. S., Efficacy of famotidine for the prevention of exercise-induced gastritis in racing Alaskan sled dogs., Journal of veterinary internal medicine / American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine, vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 924-7, 2007.
E. C. McKenzie, Séguin, B., Cebra, C. K., Margiocco, M. L., Anderson, D. E., and Löhr, C. V., Esophageal dysfunction in four alpaca crias and a llama cria with vascular ring anomalies., Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, vol. 237, no. 3, pp. 311-6, 2010.
K. R. Carney, McKenzie, E. C., Mosley, C. A., and Payton, M. E., Evaluation of the effect of hetastarch and lactated Ringer's solution on plasma colloid osmotic pressure in healthy llamas., Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, vol. 238, no. 6, pp. 768-72, 2011.
E. C. McKenzie, Mills, J. N., and Bolton, J. R., Gastric squamous cell carcinoma in three horses., Australian veterinary journal, vol. 75, no. 7, pp. 480-3, 1997.
