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Journal Article
Y. Yamazaki, Danelishvili, L., Wu, M., Hidaka, E., Katsuyama, T., Stang, B., Petrofsky, M., Bildfell, R., and Bermudez, L. E., The ability to form biofilm influences Mycobacterium avium invasion and translocation of bronchial epithelial cells., Cell Microbiol, vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 806-14, 2006.
M. K. Muramatsu, Brothwell, J. A., Stein, B. D., Putman, T. E., Rockey, D. D., and Nelson, D. E., Beyond Tryptophan Synthase: Identification of Genes That Contribute to Chlamydia trachomatis Survival during Gamma Interferon-Induced Persistence and Reactivation., Infect Immun, vol. 84, no. 10, pp. 2791-801, 2016.
G. Green, Johnson, S. M., Costello, H., Brakel, K., Harder, O., Oomens, A. G., Peeples, M. E., Moulton, H. M., and Niewiesk, S., CX3CR1 Is a Receptor for Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus in Cotton Rats., J Virol, vol. 95, no. 16, p. e0001021, 2021.
R. J. Suchland, Dimond, Z. E., Putman, T. E., and Rockey, D. D., Demonstration of Persistent Infections and Genome Stability by Whole-Genome Sequencing of Repeat-Positive, Same-Serovar Chlamydia trachomatis Collected From the Female Genital Tract., J Infect Dis, vol. 215, no. 11, pp. 1657-1665, 2017.
Y. Wang, LaBrie, S. D., Carrell, S. J., Suchland, R. J., Dimond, Z. E., Kwong, F., Rockey, D. D., P Hefty, S., and Hybiske, K., Development of Transposon Mutagenesis for Chlamydia muridarum., J Bacteriol, vol. 201, no. 23, 2019.
R. J. Taylor, Falconnet, D., Niemistö, A., Ramsey, S. A., Prinz, S., Shmulevich, I., Galitski, T., and Hansen, C. L., Dynamic analysis of MAPK signaling using a high-throughput microfluidic single-cell imaging platform., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, vol. 106, no. 10, pp. 3758-63, 2009.
Y. Dang, van Heusden, C., Nickerson, V., Chung, F., Wang, Y., Quinney, N. L., Gentzsch, M., Randell, S. H., Moulton, H. M., Kole, R., Ni, A., Juliano, R. L., and Kreda, S. M., Enhanced delivery of peptide-morpholino oligonucleotides with a small molecule to correct splicing defects in the lung., Nucleic Acids Res, vol. 49, no. 11, pp. 6100-6113, 2021.
W. M. Geisler, Suchland, R. J., Rockey, D. D., and Stamm, W. E., Epidemiology and clinical manifestations of unique Chlamydia trachomatis isolates that occupy nonfusogenic inclusions., J Infect Dis, vol. 184, no. 7, pp. 879-84, 2001.
G. D. Wiens, Rockey, D. D., Wu, Z., Chang, J., Levy, R., Crane, S., Chen, D. S., Capri, G. R., Burnett, J. R., Sudheesh, P. S., Schipma, M. J., Burd, H., Bhattacharyya, A., Rhodes, L. D., Kaul, R., and Strom, M. S., Genome sequence of the fish pathogen Renibacterium salmoninarum suggests reductive evolution away from an environmental Arthrobacter ancestor., J Bacteriol, vol. 190, no. 21, pp. 6970-82, 2008.
N. Motamedi, Danelishvili, L., and Bermudez, L. E., Identification of Mycobacterium avium genes associated with resistance to host antimicrobial peptides., J Med Microbiol, vol. 63, no. Pt 7, pp. 923-930, 2014.
L. Danelishvili, Wu, M., Stang, B., Harriff, M., Cirillo, S. L. G., Cirillo, S., Cirillo, J. D., Cirillo, J., Bildfell, R., Arbogast, B., and Bermudez, L. E., Identification of Mycobacterium avium pathogenicity island important for macrophage and amoeba infection., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, vol. 104, no. 26, pp. 11038-43, 2007.
Y. -jun Li, Danelishvili, L., Wagner, D., Petrofsky, M., and Bermudez, L. E., Identification of virulence determinants of Mycobacterium avium that impact on the ability to resist host killing mechanisms., J Med Microbiol, vol. 59, no. Pt 1, pp. 8-16, 2010.
J. A. Brothwell, Muramatsu, M. K., Toh, E., Rockey, D. D., Putman, T. E., Barta, M. L., P Hefty, S., Suchland, R. J., and Nelson, D. E., Interrogating Genes That Mediate Chlamydia trachomatis Survival in Cell Culture Using Conditional Mutants and Recombination., J Bacteriol, vol. 198, no. 15, pp. 2131-9, 2016.
Y. Yamazaki, Danelishvili, L., Wu, M., Macnab, M., and Bermudez, L. E., Mycobacterium avium genes associated with the ability to form a biofilm., Appl Environ Microbiol, vol. 72, no. 1, pp. 819-25, 2006.
L. Danelishvili, Everman, J., and Bermudez, L. E., Mycobacterium tuberculosis PPE68 and Rv2626c genes contribute to the host cell necrosis and bacterial escape from macrophages., Virulence, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 23-32, 2016.
U. Y. Schaff, Trott, K. A., Chase, S., Tam, K., Johns, J. L., Carlyon, J. A., Genetos, D. C., Walker, N. J., Simon, S. I., and Borjesson, D. L., Neutrophils exposed to A. phagocytophilum under shear stress fail to fully activate, polarize, and transmigrate across inflamed endothelium., Am J Physiol Cell Physiol, vol. 299, no. 1, pp. C87-96, 2010.
K. M. Sandoz, Eriksen, S. G., Jeffrey, B. M., Suchland, R. J., Putman, T. E., Hruby, D. E., Jordan, R., and Rockey, D. D., Resistance to a novel antichlamydial compound is mediated through mutations in Chlamydia trachomatis secY., Antimicrob Agents Chemother, vol. 56, no. 8, pp. 4296-302, 2012.
L. Danelishvili, Yamazaki, Y., Selker, J., and Bermudez, L. E., Secreted Mycobacterium tuberculosis Rv3654c and Rv3655c proteins participate in the suppression of macrophage apoptosis., PLoS One, vol. 5, no. 5, p. e10474, 2010.
N. Shulzhenko, Morgun, A., and Matzinger, P., Spontaneous mutation in the Cd79b gene leads to a block in B-lymphocyte development at the C' (early pre-B) stage., Genes and immunity, vol. 10, no. 8, pp. 722-6, 2009.