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Y. Vengrenyuk, Nishi, H., Long, X., Ouimet, M., Savji, N., Martinez, F. O., Cassella, C. P., Moore, K. J., Ramsey, S. A., Miano, J. M., and Fisher, E. A., Cholesterol loading reprograms the microRNA-143/145-myocardin axis to convert aortic smooth muscle cells to a dysfunctional macrophage-like phenotype., Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 535-46, 2015.
S. A. Budischak, Hoberg, E. P., Abrams, A., Jolles, A. E., and Ezenwa, V. O., A combined parasitological molecular approach for noninvasive characterization of parasitic nematode communities in wild hosts., Mol Ecol Resour, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 1112-9, 2015.
S. T. Spagnoli, Xue, L., and Kent, M. L., The common neural parasite Pseudoloma neurophilia is associated with altered startle response habituation in adult zebrafish (Danio rerio): Implications for the zebrafish as a model organism., Behav Brain Res, vol. 291, pp. 351-360, 2015.
L. Su, Townsend, K. L., Au, J., and Wittum, T. E., Comparison of tibial plateau angles in small and large breed dogs., Can Vet J, vol. 56, no. 6, pp. 610-4, 2015.
E. E. Gorsich, Ezenwa, V. O., Cross, P. C., Bengis, R. G., and Jolles, A. E., Context-dependent survival, fecundity and predicted population-level consequences of brucellosis in African buffalo., J Anim Ecol, vol. 84, no. 4, pp. 999-1009, 2015.
M. Milovancev and Townsend, K. L., Current concepts in minimally invasive surgery of the abdomen., Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract, vol. 45, no. 3, pp. 507-22, 2015.
B. R. Beechler, Enemies and turncoats: bovine tuberculosis exposes pathogenic potential of Rift Valley fever virus in a common host, African buffalo (Syncerus caffer)., Proc Biol Sci, vol. 282, no. 1805, 2015.
L. Babrak, Danelishvili, L., Rose, S. J., Kornberg, T., and Bermudez, L. E., The environment of "Mycobacterium avium subsp. hominissuis" microaggregates induces synthesis of small proteins associated with efficient infection of respiratory epithelial cells., Infect Immun, vol. 83, no. 2, pp. 625-36, 2015.
V. O. Ezenwa and Jolles, A. E., Epidemiology. Opposite effects of anthelmintic treatment on microbial infection at individual versus population scales., Science, vol. 347, no. 6218, pp. 175-7, 2015.
T. L. Westerman, Tornquist, S. J., Foster, C. M., and Poulsen, K. P., Evaluation of serum amyloid A and haptoglobin concentrations as prognostic indicators for horses with inflammatory disease examined at a tertiary care hospital., Am J Vet Res, vol. 76, no. 10, pp. 882-8, 2015.
S. M. Stieger-Vanegas, Senthirajah, S. Kumar Jami, Nemanic, S., Baltzer, W., Warnock, J., Hollars, K., Lee, S. S., and Bobe, G., Evaluation of the Diagnostic Accuracy of Conventional 2-Dimensional and 3-Dimensional Computed Tomography for Assessing Canine Sacral and Pelvic Fractures by Radiologists, Orthopedic Surgeons, and Veterinary Medical Students., Vet Surg, vol. 44, no. 6, pp. 694-703, 2015.
E. E. Gorsich, Bengis, R. G., Ezenwa, V. O., and Jolles, A. E., Evaluation of the sensitivity and specificity of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for diagnosing brucellosis in African buffalo (Syncerus caffer)., J Wildl Dis, vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 9-18, 2015.
L. E. Bermudez, Danelishvili, L., Babrack, L., and Pham, T., Evidence for genes associated with the ability of Mycobacterium avium subsp. hominissuis to escape apoptotic macrophages., Front Cell Infect Microbiol, vol. 5, p. 63, 2015.
K. L. Hughes, Stieger-Vanegas, S. M., and Valentine, B. A., Hemorrhage in the central canal of the cervical spinal cord in a coonhound diagnosed with canine juvenile polyarteritis (steroid responsive meningitis-arteritis)., Can Vet J, vol. 56, no. 6, pp. 567-70, 2015.
S. W. Feist, Stentiford, G. D., Kent, M. L., A Santos, R., and Lorance, P., Histopathological assessment of liver and gonad pathology in continental slope fish from the northeast Atlantic Ocean., Mar Environ Res, vol. 106, pp. 42-50, 2015.
C. E. Paquette, Kent, M. L., Peterson, T. S., Wang, R., Dashwood, R. H., and Löhr, C. V., Immunohistochemical characterization of intestinal neoplasia in zebrafish Danio rerio indicates epithelial origin., Dis Aquat Organ, vol. 116, no. 3, pp. 191-7, 2015.
B. A. Han, Park, A. W., Jolles, A. E., and Altizer, S., Infectious disease transmission and behavioural allometry in wild mammals., J Anim Ecol, vol. 84, no. 3, pp. 637-646, 2015.
K. D. Lafferty, C Harvell, D., Conrad, J. M., Friedman, C. S., Kent, M. L., Kuris, A. M., Powell, E. N., Rondeau, D., and Saksida, S. M., Infectious diseases affect marine fisheries and aquaculture economics., Ann Rev Mar Sci, vol. 7, pp. 471-96, 2015.
C. A. Manore, Inter-epidemic and between-season persistence of rift valley fever: vertical transmission or cryptic cycling?, Transbound Emerg Dis, vol. 62, no. 1, pp. 13-23, 2015.
M. A. Gillespie, Gold, E. S., Ramsey, S. A., Podolsky, I., Aderem, A., and Ranish, J. A., An LXR-NCOA5 gene regulatory complex directs inflammatory crosstalk-dependent repression of macrophage cholesterol efflux., EMBO J, vol. 34, no. 9, pp. 1244-58, 2015.
S. Tripathi, Pohl, M. O., Zhou, Y., Rodriguez-Frandsen, A., Wang, G., Stein, D. A., Moulton, H. M., DeJesus, P., Che, J., Mulder, L. C. F., Yángüez, E., Andenmatten, D., Pache, L., Manicassamy, B., Albrecht, R. A., Gonzalez, M. G., Nguyen, Q., Brass, A., Elledge, S., White, M., Shapira, S., Hacohen, N., Karlas, A., Meyer, T. F., Shales, M., Gatorano, A., Johnson, J. R., Jang, G., Johnson, T., Verschueren, E., Sanders, D., Krogan, N., Shaw, M., König, R., Stertz, S., García-Sastre, A., and Chanda, S. K., Meta- and Orthogonal Integration of Influenza "OMICs" Data Defines a Role for UBR4 in Virus Budding., Cell Host Microbe, vol. 18, no. 6, pp. 723-35, 2015.
L. Babrak, Danelishvili, L., Rose, S. J., and Bermudez, L. E., Microaggregate-associated protein involved in invasion of epithelial cells by Mycobacterium avium subsp. hominissuis., Virulence, vol. 6, no. 7, pp. 694-703, 2015.
D. K. Stolworthy, Bowden, A. E., Roeder, B. L., Robinson, T. F., Holland, J. G., S Christensen, L., Beatty, A. M., Bridgewater, L. C., Eggett, D. L., Wendel, J. D., Stieger-Vanegas, S. M., and Taylor, M. D., MRI evaluation of spontaneous intervertebral disc degeneration in the alpaca cervical spine., J Orthop Res, vol. 33, no. 12, pp. 1776-83, 2015.
J. C. Wolf, Baumgartner, W. A., Blazer, V. S., Camus, A. C., Engelhardt, J. A., Fournie, J. W., Frasca, S., Groman, D. B., Kent, M. L., Khoo, L. H., Law, J. M., Lombardini, E. D., Ruehl-Fehlert, C., Segner, H. E., Smith, S. A., Spitsbergen, J. M., Weber, K., and Wolfe, M. J., Nonlesions, misdiagnoses, missed diagnoses, and other interpretive challenges in fish histopathology studies: a guide for investigators, authors, reviewers, and readers., Toxicol Pathol, vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 297-325, 2015.
M. E. Colvin, Peterson, J. T., Kent, M. L., and Schreck, C. B., Occupancy modeling for improved accuracy and understanding of pathogen prevalence and dynamics., PLoS One, vol. 10, no. 3, p. e0116605, 2015.
