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K. A. May, Pleasant, R. S., Howard, R. D., Moll, H. D., Duesterdieck-Zellmer, K. F., MacAllister, C. G., and Bartels, K. E., Failure of holmium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet laser lithotripsy in two horses with calculi in the urinary bladder., Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, vol. 219, no. 7, pp. 957-61, 939, 2001.
F. J. Sangari, Goodman, J., Petrofsky, M., Kolonoski, P., and Bermudez, L. E., Mycobacterium avium invades the intestinal mucosa primarily by interacting with enterocytes., Infection and immunity, vol. 69, no. 3, pp. 1515-20, 2001.
G. A. Cangelosi, Palermo, C. O., and Bermudez, L. E., Phenotypic consequences of red-white colony type variation in Mycobacterium avium., Microbiology (Reading, England), vol. 147, no. Pt 3, pp. 527-33, 2001.
M. L. Kent, Andree, K. B., Bartholomew, J. L., El-Matbouli, M., Desser, S. S., Devlin, R. H., Feist, S. W., Hedrick, R. P., Hoffmann, R. W., Khattra, J., Hallett, S. L., Lester, R. J., Longshaw, M., Palenzeula, O., Siddall, M. E., and Xiao, C., Recent advances in our knowledge of the Myxozoa., J Eukaryot Microbiol, vol. 48, no. 4, pp. 395-413, 2001.
G. C. Perng, Esmaili, D., Slanina, S. M., Yukht, A., Ghiasi, H., Osorio, N., Mott, K. R., Maguen, B., Jin, L., Nesburn, A. B., and Wechsler, S. L., Three herpes simplex virus type 1 latency-associated transcript mutants with distinct and asymmetric effects on virulence in mice compared with rabbits., Journal of virology, vol. 75, no. 19, pp. 9018-28, 2001.
S. Mukherjee, Petrofsky, M., Yaraei, K., Bermudez, L. E., and Cangelosi, G. A., The white morphotype of Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare is common in infected humans and virulent in infection models., The Journal of infectious diseases, vol. 184, no. 11, pp. 1480-4, 2001.
L. E. Bermudez, Nash, K., Petrofsky, M., Young, L. S., and Inderlied, C. B., Clarithromycin-resistant mycobacterium avium is still susceptible to treatment with clarithromycin and is virulent in mice., Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, vol. 44, no. 10, pp. 2619-22, 2000.
J. P. Teifke, Löhr, C. V., Marschang, R. E., Osterrieder, N., and Posthaus, H., Detection of chelonid herpesvirus DNA by nonradioactive in situ hybridization in tissues from tortoises suffering from stomatitis-rhinitis complex in Europe and North America., Veterinary pathology, vol. 37, no. 5, pp. 377-85, 2000.
J. C. Ko, Lange, D. N., Mandsager, R. E., Payton, M. E., Bowen, C., Kamata, A., and Kuo, W. C., Effects of butorphanol and carprofen on the minimal alveolar concentration of isoflurane in dogs., Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, vol. 217, no. 7, pp. 1025-8, 2000.
M. C. Kuehl-Kovarik, Magnusson, K. R., Premkumar, L. S., and Partin, K. M., Electrophysiological analysis of NMDA receptor subunit changes in the aging mouse cortex., Mechanisms of ageing and development, vol. 115, no. 1-2, pp. 39-59, 2000.
M. C. Kuehl-Kovarik, Magnusson, K. R., Premkumar, L. S., and Partin, K. M., Electrophysiological analysis of NMDA receptor subunit changes in the aging mouse cortex., Mechanisms of ageing and development, vol. 115, no. 1-2, pp. 39-59, 2000.
M. Pastey, Gower, T. L., Spearman, P. W., Crowe, J. E., and Graham, B. S., A RhoA-derived peptide inhibits syncytium formation induced by respiratory syncytial virus and parainfluenza virus type 3., Nature medicine, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 35-40, 2000.
A. E. Parker and Bermudez, L. E., Sequence and characterization of the glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase of Mycobacterium avium: correlation with an epidermal growth factor binding protein., Microbial pathogenesis, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 135-44, 2000.
A. Morgun, Shulzhenko, N., Unterkircher, C. S., Pereira, A. B., Silva, M. S., Nishida, S. K., Almeida, D. R., Diniz, R. V., Carvalho, A. C., Franco, M., Souza, M. M., and Gerbase-Delima, M., Allo- and autoantibodies in human cardiac allograft recipients., Transplantation proceedings, vol. 31, no. 7, pp. 2976-7, 1999.
L. E. Bermudez, Parker, A., and Petrofsky, M., Apoptosis of Mycobacterium avium-infected macrophages is mediated by both tumour necrosis factor (TNF) and Fas, and involves the activation of caspases., Clinical and experimental immunology, vol. 116, no. 1, pp. 94-9, 1999.
L. E. Bermudez, Parker, A., and Petrofsky, M., Apoptosis of Mycobacterium avium-infected macrophages is mediated by both tumour necrosis factor (TNF) and Fas, and involves the activation of caspases., Clinical and experimental immunology, vol. 116, no. 1, pp. 94-9, 1999.
J. Tor-Agbidye, Palmer, V. S., Lasarev, M. R., Craig, A. M., Blythe, L. L., Sabri, M. I., and Spencer, P. S., Bioactivation of cyanide to cyanate in sulfur amino acid deficiency: relevance to neurological disease in humans subsisting on cassava., Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology, vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 228-35, 1999.
L. E. Bermudez, Sangari, F. J., and Parker, A., Green fluorescent protein in the measurement of bacteria-host interactions., Methods in enzymology, vol. 302, pp. 285-95, 1999.
L. E. Bermudez and Petrofsky, M., Host defense against Mycobacterium avium does not have an absolute requirement for major histocompatibility complex class I-restricted T cells., Infection and immunity, vol. 67, no. 6, pp. 3108-11, 1999.
F. J. Sangari, Petrofsky, M., and Bermudez, L. E., Mycobacterium avium infection of epithelial cells results in inhibition or delay in the release of interleukin-8 and RANTES., Infection and immunity, vol. 67, no. 10, pp. 5069-75, 1999.
F. J. Sangari, Parker, A., and Bermudez, L. E., Mycobacterium avium interaction with macrophages and intestinal epithelial cells., Frontiers in bioscience : a journal and virtual library, vol. 4, pp. D582-8, 1999.
M. Petrofsky and Bermudez, L. E., Neutrophils from Mycobacterium avium-infected mice produce TNF-alpha, IL-12, and IL-1 beta and have a putative role in early host response., Clinical immunology (Orlando, Fla.), vol. 91, no. 3, pp. 354-8, 1999.
M. E. Prado, Streeter, R. N., Mandsager, R. E., Shawley, R. V., and Claypool, P. L., Pharmacologic effects of epidural versus intramuscular administration of detomidine in cattle., American journal of veterinary research, vol. 60, no. 10, pp. 1242-7, 1999.
M. Pastey, Crowe, J. E., and Graham, B. S., RhoA interacts with the fusion glycoprotein of respiratory syncytial virus and facilitates virus-induced syncytium formation., Journal of virology, vol. 73, no. 9, pp. 7262-70, 1999.
L. E. Bermudez, Goodman, J., and Petrofsky, M., Role of complement receptors in uptake of Mycobacterium avium by macrophages in vivo: evidence from studies using CD18-deficient mice., Infection and immunity, vol. 67, no. 9, pp. 4912-6, 1999.
