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K. F. Duesterdieck-Zellmer, Obstructive Disease of the Urinary Tract, in Current Therapy in Equine Medicine 5, St. Louis, Missouri: Saunders, 2003, pp. 832-834.
C. K. Cebra, Mattson, D. E., Baker, R. J., Sonn, R. J., and Dearing, P. L., Potential pathogens in feces from unweaned llamas and alpacas with diarrhea., Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, vol. 223, no. 12, pp. 1806-8, 2003.
M. S. Davis, Willard, M. D., Nelson, S. L., Mandsager, R. E., McKiernan, B. S., Mansell, J. K., and Lehenbauer, T. W., Prevalence of gastric lesions in racing Alaskan sled dogs., Journal of veterinary internal medicine / American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 311-4, 2003.
J. Warnock, Dyce, J., Pooya, H., and Schulz, K. S., Retrospective analysis of canine miniature total hip prostheses., Veterinary surgery : VS, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 285-91, 2003.
L. Danelishvili and Bermudez, L. E., Role of type I cytokines in host defense against Mycobacterium avium infection., Curr Pharm Des, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 61-5, 2003.
L. Danelishvili and Bermudez, L. E., Role of type I cytokines in host defense against Mycobacterium avium infection., Current pharmaceutical design, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 61-5, 2003.
J. Warnock, Marks, S. L., Pollard, R., Kyles, A. E., and Davidson, A., Surgical management of cricopharyngeal dysphagia in dogs: 14 cases (1989-2001)., Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, vol. 223, no. 10, pp. 1462-8, 2003.
N. Shulzhenko, Morgun, A., Chinellato, A. P., Rampim, G. F., Diniz, R. V. Z., Almeida, D. R., and Gerbase-Delima, M., CD27 but not CD70 and 4-1BB intragraft gene expression is a risk factor for acute cardiac allograft rejection in humans., Transplantation proceedings, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 474-5, 2002.
P. Dibrov, Dzioba, J., Gosink, K. K., and Häse, C. C., Chemiosmotic mechanism of antimicrobial activity of Ag(+) in Vibrio cholerae., Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, vol. 46, no. 8, pp. 2668-70, 2002.
P. Dibrov, Dzioba, J., Gosink, K. K., and Häse, C. C., Chemiosmotic mechanism of antimicrobial activity of Ag(+) in Vibrio cholerae., Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, vol. 46, no. 8, pp. 2668-70, 2002.
S. A. Semevolos, Ducharme, N. G., and Hackett, R. P., Clinical assessment and outcome of three techniques for jejunal resection and anastomosis in horses: 59 cases (1989-2000)., Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, vol. 220, no. 2, pp. 215-8, 2002.
K. F. Duesterdieck-Zellmer, May, K. A., Pleasant, R. S., and Howard, R., Distal intertarsal joint subluxation in a pony., Equine Veterinary Education, vol. 14, pp. 12-16, 2002.
A. W. Biondo, Liu, Z. L., Wiedmeyer, C. E., de Morais, H. Autran, D Sisson, D., and Solter, P. E., Genomic sequence and cardiac expression of atrial natriuretic peptide in cats., American journal of veterinary research, vol. 63, no. 2, pp. 236-40, 2002.
L. D. Koller, Stang, B. V., Hall, J. A., de la Paz, M. Posada, and Mendez, M. V. Ruiz, Immunoglobulin and autoantibody responses in MRL/lpr mice treated with 'toxic oils'., Toxicology, vol. 178, no. 2, pp. 119-33, 2002.
L. D. Koller, Stang, B. V., Hall, J. A., de la Paz, M. Posada, and Mendez, M. V. Ruiz, Immunoglobulin and autoantibody responses in MRL/lpr mice treated with 'toxic oils'., Toxicology, vol. 178, no. 2, pp. 119-33, 2002.
E. C. McKenzie, Valberg, S. J., Godden, S. M., Pagan, J. D., Carlson, G. P., MacLeay, J. M., and De La Corte, F. D., Plasma and urine electrolyte and mineral concentrations in Thoroughbred horses with recurrent exertional rhabdomyolysis after consumption of diets varying in cation-anion balance., American journal of veterinary research, vol. 63, no. 7, pp. 1053-60, 2002.
K. A. May, Cheramie, H. S., Howard, R. D., Duesterdieck-Zellmer, K. F., Moll, H. D., Pleasant, R. S., and Pyle, R. L., Purulent pericarditis as a sequela to clostridial myositis in a horse., Equine veterinary journal, vol. 34, no. 6, pp. 636-40, 2002.
M. S. Davis, McKiernan, B., McCullough, S., Nelson, S., Mandsager, R. E., Willard, M., and Dorsey, K., Racing Alaskan sled dogs as a model of "ski asthma"., American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine, vol. 166, no. 6, pp. 878-82, 2002.
M. S. Davis, McKiernan, B., McCullough, S., Nelson, S., Mandsager, R. E., Willard, M., and Dorsey, K., Racing Alaskan sled dogs as a model of "ski asthma"., American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine, vol. 166, no. 6, pp. 878-82, 2002.
J. M. Ramsay, Speare, D. J., Dawe, S. C., and Kent, M. L., Xenoma formation during microsporidial gill disease of salmonids caused by Loma salmonae is affected by host species (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, O. kisutch, O. mykiss) but not by salinity., Dis Aquat Organ, vol. 48, no. 2, pp. 125-31, 2002.
J. C. Chase, Dawson-Coates, J. A., Haddow, J. D., Stewart, M. H., Haines, L. R., Whitaker, D. J., Ken, M. L., Olafson, R. W., and Pearson, T. W., Analysis of Kudoa thyrsites (Myxozoa: Myxosporea) spore antigens using monoclonal antibodies., Dis Aquat Organ, vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 121-9, 2001.
R. E. Mandsager, Ko, J. C., Drost, W. T., and McGrath, C. J., Anesthesia case of the month. Inadvertent endobronchial intubation resulted in hypoxemia., Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, vol. 219, no. 1, pp. 24-6, 2001.
J. P. Dubey, Mattson, D. E., Speer, C. A., Hamir, A. N., Lindsay, D. S., Rosenthal, B. M., Kwok, O. C., Baker, R. J., Mulrooney, D. M., Tornquist, S. J., and Gerros, T. C., Characteristics of a recent isolate of Sarcocystis neurona (SN7) from a horse and loss of pathogenicity of isolates SN6 and SN7 by passages in cell culture., Veterinary parasitology, vol. 95, no. 2-4, pp. 155-66, 2001.
C. K. Cebra, Tornquist, S. J., Vap, L. M., and Dodson, L. A., A comparison of coulometric titration and potentiometric determination of chloride concentration in rumen fluid., Veterinary clinical pathology / American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 211-213, 2001.
A. Morgun, Shulzhenko, N., Diniz, R. V., Almeida, D. R., Carvalho, A. C., and Gerbase-Delima, M., Cytokine and TIRC7 mRNA expression during acute rejection in cardiac allograft recipients., Transplantation proceedings, vol. 33, no. 1-2, pp. 1610-1, 2001.
