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M. Milovancev, Townsend, K. L., Tuohy, J. L., M Gorman, E., Bracha, S., Curran, K. M., and Russell, D. S., Long-term outcomes of dogs undergoing surgical resection of mast cell tumors and soft tissue sarcomas: A prospective 2-year-long study., Vet Surg, vol. 49, no. 1, pp. 96-105, 2020.
R. Adler, Clark, E., Cline, M., Conner, M., Crabbs, T., Fossey, S., Malarkey, D., Meseck, E., Vernau, W., Tornquist, S. J., McDorman, K., Rees, S., and Cockerell, G., Mission Accomplished: The ACVP/STP Coalition for Veterinary Pathology Fellows Completes Its Objectives, but Its Legacy and Spirit Live On., Vet Pathol, vol. 57, no. 4, pp. 472-475, 2020.
P. Sitthicharoenchai, Alnajjar, S., and Ackermann, M. R., A model of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection of infants in newborn lambs., Cell Tissue Res, vol. 380, no. 2, pp. 313-324, 2020.
P. W. Mshelia, Kappmeyer, L., Johnson, W. C., Kudi, C. A., Oluyinka, O. O., Balogun, E. O., Richard, E. E., Onoja, E., Sears, K. P., and Ueti, M. W., Molecular detection of Theileria species and Babesia caballi from horses in Nigeria., Parasitol Res, vol. 119, no. 9, pp. 2955-2963, 2020.
T. E. Cullen, Semevolos, S. A., Stieger-Vanegas, S. M., and Duesterdieck-Zellmer, K. F., Muscle tears as a primary cause of lameness in horses: 14 cases (2009-2016)., Can Vet J, vol. 61, no. 4, pp. 389-395, 2020.
M. Garcia-Jaramillo, Beaver, L. M., Truong, L., Axton, E. R., Keller, R. M., Prater, M. C., Magnusson, K. R., Tanguay, R. L., Stevens, J. F., and Hord, N. G., Nitrate and nitrite exposure leads to mild anxiogenic-like behavior and alters brain metabolomic profile in zebrafish., PLoS One, vol. 15, no. 12, p. e0240070, 2020.
D. F. Markle, Janik, A., Peterson, J. T., Choudhury, A., Simon, D. C., Tkach, V. V., Terwilliger, M. R., Sanders, J. L., and Kent, M. L., Odds ratios and hurdle models: a long-term analysis of parasite infection patterns in endangered young-of-the-year suckers from Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon, USA., Int J Parasitol, vol. 50, no. 4, pp. 315-330, 2020.
A. Kashyap, Rhodes, A., Kronmiller, B., Berger, J., Champagne, A., Davis, E. W., Finnegan, M. V., Geniza, M., Hendrix, D. A., Löhr, C. V., Petro, V. M., Sharpton, T. J., Wells, J., Epps, C. W., Jaiswal, P., Tyler, B. M., and Ramsey, S. A., Pan-tissue transcriptome analysis of long noncoding RNAs in the American beaver Castor canadensis., BMC Genomics, vol. 21, no. 1, p. 153, 2020.
M. Milovancev, Scharf, V. F., Townsend, K. L., Singh, A., Tremolada, G., Worley, D., and Schmiedt, C. W., Partial cystectomy with a bipolar sealing device in seven dogs with naturally occurring bladder tumors., Vet Surg, vol. 49, no. 4, pp. 794-799, 2020.
S. C. Summers, Quimby, J. M., Phillips, R. Kyle, Stockman, J., Isaiah, A., Lidbury, J. A., Steiner, J. M., and Suchodolski, J., Preliminary evaluation of fecal fatty acid concentrations in cats with chronic kidney disease and correlation with indoxyl sulfate and p-cresol sulfate., J Vet Intern Med, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 206-215, 2020.
M. L. Kent, Sanders, J. L., Spagnoli, S. T., Al-Samarrie, C. E., and Murray, K. N., Review of diseases and health management in zebrafish Danio rerio (Hamilton 1822) in research facilities., J Fish Dis, vol. 43, no. 6, pp. 637-650, 2020.
R. Amodei, Gribbin, K., He, W., Lindgren, I., Corder, K. R., Jonker, S. S., Estill, C. T., Coolen, L. M., Lehman, M. N., Whitler, W., Stormshak, F., and Roselli, C. E., Role for Kisspeptin and Neurokinin B in Regulation of Luteinizing Hormone and Testosterone Secretion in the Fetal Sheep., Endocrinology, vol. 161, no. 4, 2020.
D. Bestle, Heindl, M. Ruth, Limburg, H., van, T. Van Lam, Pilgram, O., Moulton, H. M., Stein, D. A., Hardes, K., Eickmann, M., Dolnik, O., Rohde, C., Klenk, H. - D., Garten, W., Steinmetzer, T., and Böttcher-Friebertshäuser, E., TMPRSS2 and furin are both essential for proteolytic activation of SARS-CoV-2 in human airway cells., Life Sci Alliance, vol. 3, no. 9, 2020.
V. F. Scharf, Milovancev, M., Townsend, K. L., and Luff, J. A., Use of a bipolar sealing device to seal partial cystectomy with and without augmentation with a single-layer simple continuous suture pattern in an ex vivo canine model., Vet Surg, vol. 49, no. 5, pp. 1043-1051, 2020.
S. C. Summers, Quimby, J., Yao, L., Hess, A., Broeckling, C., and Lappin, M., Biological variation of major gut-derived uremic toxins in the serum of healthy adult cats., J Vet Intern Med, vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 902-911, 2021.
E. C. McKenzie, Guerra, J. C., Middleton, J. R., Kim, D. Y., Williams, F., Garcia, T. M., and Russell, D. S., Black oil sunflower seed ingestion associated with renal azotemia, gastroesophageal ulceration, and a high mortality rate in four alpacas and two llamas., J Am Vet Med Assoc, vol. 259, no. 4, pp. 406-414, 2021.
K. A. Sabey, Song, S. Jin, Jolles, A. E., Knight, R., and Ezenwa, V. O., Coinfection and infection duration shape how pathogens affect the African buffalo gut microbiota., ISME J, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 1359-1371, 2021.
G. Green, Johnson, S. M., Costello, H., Brakel, K., Harder, O., Oomens, A. G., Peeples, M. E., Moulton, H. M., and Niewiesk, S., CX3CR1 Is a Receptor for Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus in Cotton Rats., J Virol, vol. 95, no. 16, p. e0001021, 2021.
Y. Dang, van Heusden, C., Nickerson, V., Chung, F., Wang, Y., Quinney, N. L., Gentzsch, M., Randell, S. H., Moulton, H. M., Kole, R., Ni, A., Juliano, R. L., and Kreda, S. M., Enhanced delivery of peptide-morpholino oligonucleotides with a small molecule to correct splicing defects in the lung., Nucleic Acids Res, vol. 49, no. 11, pp. 6100-6113, 2021.
Y. Echigoya, Trieu, N., Duddy, W., Moulton, H. M., Yin, H., Partridge, T. A., Hoffman, E. P., Kornegay, J. N., Rohret, F. A., Rogers, C. S., and Yokota, T., A Exon-52 Deleted Miniature Pig Model of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy and Evaluation of Exon Skipping., Int J Mol Sci, vol. 22, no. 23, 2021.
D. Bestle, Limburg, H., Kruhl, D., Harbig, A., Stein, D. A., Moulton, H. M., Matrosovich, M., Abdelwhab, E. M., Stech, J., and Böttcher-Friebertshäuser, E., Hemagglutinins of Avian Influenza Viruses Are Proteolytically Activated by TMPRSS2 in Human and Murine Airway Cells., J Virol, vol. 95, no. 20, p. e0090621, 2021.
K. Rosenke, Leventhal, S., Moulton, H. M., Hatlevig, S., Hawman, D., Feldmann, H., and Stein, D. A., Inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 in Vero cell cultures by peptide-conjugated morpholino oligomers., J Antimicrob Chemother, vol. 76, no. 2, pp. 413-417, 2021.
M. O. Pitel, Heller, M. C., Roberson, J. R., McKenzie, E. C., Sinnott, D. M., and Affolter, V. K., Lymphoplasmacytic and eosinophilic enteritis with or without globule leukocyte hyperplasia in 4 goats., J Vet Intern Med, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 1620-1625, 2021.
V. O. Ezenwa, Budischak, S. A., Buss, P., Seguel, M., Luikart, G., Jolles, A. E., and Sakamoto, K., Natural resistance to worms exacerbates bovine tuberculosis severity independently of worm coinfection., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, vol. 118, no. 3, 2021.
E. Treggiari, Pellin, M. A., Valenti, P., Curran, K. M., Borrego, J. F., Romanelli, G., Mason, S. L., and Taylor, A., Tolerability and outcome of palliative treatment for metastatic pulmonary carcinoma in cats., J Small Anim Pract, vol. 62, no. 11, pp. 992-1000, 2021.
