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M. L. Kent, Watral, V. G., Kirchoff, N. S., Spagnoli, S. T., and Sharpton, T. J., Effects of Subclinical Mycobacterium chelonae Infections on Fecundity and Embryo Survival in Zebrafish., Zebrafish, vol. 13 Suppl 1, pp. S88-95, 2016.
J. L. Sanders, Watral, V., Stidworthy, M. F., and Kent, M. L., Expansion of the Known Host Range of the Microsporidium, Pseudoloma neurophilia., Zebrafish, vol. 13 Suppl 1, pp. S102-6, 2016.
S. E. Greiman, Kent, M. L., Betts, J., Cochell, D., Sigler, T., and Tkach, V. V., Nanophyetus salmincola, vector of the salmon poisoning disease agent Neorickettsia helminthoeca, harbors a second pathogenic Neorickettsia species., Vet Parasitol, vol. 229, pp. 107-109, 2016.
S. T. Spagnoli, Sanders, J. L., Watral, V., and Kent, M. L., Pseudoloma neurophilia Infection Combined with Gamma Irradiation Causes Increased Mortality in Adult Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Compared to Infection or Irradiation Alone: New Implications for Studies Involving Immunosuppression., Zebrafish, vol. 13 Suppl 1, pp. S107-14, 2016.
F. W. Chow, Xue, L., and Kent, M. L., Retrospective study of the prevalence of Pseudoloma neurophilia shows male sex bias in zebrafish Danio rerio (Hamilton-Buchanan)., J Fish Dis, vol. 39, no. 3, pp. 367-70, 2016.
T. Mason, Snell, K., Mittge, E., Melancon, E., Montgomery, R., McFadden, M., Camoriano, J., Kent, M. L., Whipps, C. M., and Peirce, J., Strategies to Mitigate a Mycobacterium marinum Outbreak in a Zebrafish Research Facility., Zebrafish, vol. 13 Suppl 1, pp. S77-87, 2016.
M. McDougall, Choi, J., Magnusson, K., Truong, L., Tanguay, R., and Traber, M. G., Chronic vitamin E deficiency impairs cognitive function in adult zebrafish via dysregulation of brain lipids and energy metabolism., Free Radic Biol Med, vol. 112, pp. 308-317, 2017.
S. T. Spagnoli, Sanders, J. L., and Kent, M. L., The common neural parasite Pseudoloma neurophilia causes altered shoaling behaviour in adult laboratory zebrafish (Danio rerio) and its implications for neurobehavioural research., J Fish Dis, vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 443-446, 2017.
D. M. Meritet, Mulrooney, D. M., Kent, M. L., and Löhr, C. V., Development of Quantitative Real-Time PCR Assays for Postmortem Detection of spp. Common in Zebrafish () Research Colonies., J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci, vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 131-141, 2017.
S. Ndikumana, Pelin, A., Williot, A., Sanders, J. L., Kent, M. L., and Corradi, N., Genome Analysis of Pseudoloma neurophilia: A Microsporidian Parasite of Zebrafish (Danio rerio)., J Eukaryot Microbiol, vol. 64, no. 1, pp. 18-30, 2017.
M. L. Martins, Tavares-Dias, M., Janik, A. J., Kent, M. L., and Jerônimo, G. T., Hematology and condition factor of tui chub and fathead minnow parasitized by nematode from Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon, USA., Dis Aquat Organ, vol. 126, no. 3, pp. 257-262, 2017.
M. L. Martins, Watral, V., Rodrigues-Soares, J. P., and Kent, M. L., A method for collecting eggs of Pseudocapillaria tomentosa (Nematoda: Capillariidae) from zebrafish Danio rerio and efficacy of heat and chlorine for killing the nematode's eggs., J Fish Dis, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 169-182, 2017.
