Found 1810 results
Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
X. Gao, Ran, N., Dong, X., Zuo, B., Yang, R., Zhou, Q., Moulton, H. M., Seow, Y., and Yin, H., Anchor peptide captures, targets, and loads exosomes of diverse origins for diagnostics and therapy., Sci Transl Med, vol. 10, no. 444, 2018.
J. L. Johns, Moorhead, K. A., Hu, J., and Moorhead, R. C., Bias due to Preanalytical Dilution of Rodent Serum for Biochemical Analysis on the Siemens Dimension Xpand Plus., Front Vet Sci, vol. 5, p. 3, 2018.
V. L. Daley, Dye, C., Bogers, S. H., R Akers, M., Rodriguez, F. C., Cant, J. P., Doelman, J., Yoder, P., Kumar, K., Webster, D., and Hanigan, M. D., Bovine Mammary Gland Biopsy Techniques., J Vis Exp, no. 142, 2018.
C. Parachini-Winter, Curran, K. M., Russell, D. S., and M Gorman, E., A case of canine high-grade T-cell lymphoma immunophenotypically consistent with T-zone lymphoma., Vet Clin Pathol, vol. 47, no. 4, pp. 643-648, 2018.
M. Bodogai, O'Connell, J., Kim, K., Kim, Y., Moritoh, K., Chen, C., Gusev, F., Vaughan, K., Shulzhenko, N., Mattison, J. A., Lee-Chang, C., Chen, W., Carlson, O., Becker, K. G., Gurung, M., Morgun, A., White, J., Meade, T., Perdue, K., Mack, M., Ferrucci, L., Trinchieri, G., de Cabo, R., Rogaev, E., Egan, J., Wu, J., and Biragyn, A., Commensal bacteria contribute to insulin resistance in aging by activating innate B1a cells., Sci Transl Med, vol. 10, no. 467, 2018.
K. L. Townsend, Akeroyd, J., Russell, D. S., Kruzic, J. J., Robertson, B. L., and Lear, W., Comparing the Tolerability of a Novel Wound Closure Device Using a Porcine Wound Model., Adv Wound Care (New Rochelle), vol. 7, no. 6, pp. 177-184, 2018.
J. A. Hall, Jackson, M. I., Vondran, J. C., Vanchina, M. A., and Jewell, D. E., Comparison of circulating metabolite concentrations in dogs and cats when allowed to freely choose macronutrient intake., Biol Open, vol. 7, no. 11, 2018.
B. Ranganathan, LeBlanc, N., Scollan, K., Townsend, K. L., Agarwal, D., and Milovancev, M., Comparison of major complication and survival rates between surgical ligation and use of a canine ductal occluder device for treatment of dogs with left-to-right shunting patent ductus arteriosus., J Am Vet Med Assoc, vol. 253, no. 8, pp. 1046-1052, 2018.
A. Z. Yu and Ramsey, S. A., A Computational Systems Biology Approach for Identifying Candidate Drugs for Repositioning for Cardiovascular Disease., Interdiscip Sci, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 449-454, 2018.
H. F. Tavalire, Beechler, B. R., Buss, P. E., Gorsich, E. E., Hoal, E. G., le Roex, N., Spaan, J. M., Spaan, R. S., van Helden, P. D., Ezenwa, V. O., and Jolles, A. E., Context-dependent costs and benefits of tuberculosis resistance traits in a wild mammalian host., Ecol Evol, vol. 8, no. 24, pp. 12712-12726, 2018.
J. D. Lykins, Filippova, E. V., Halavaty, A. S., Minasov, G., Zhou, Y., Dubrovska, I., Flores, K. J., Shuvalova, L. A., Ruan, J., Bissati, K. El, Dovgin, S., Roberts, C. W., Woods, S., Moulton, J. D., Moulton, H. M., McPhillie, M. J., Muench, S. P., Fishwick, C. W. G., Sabini, E., Shanmugam, D., Roos, D. S., McLeod, R., Anderson, W. F., and Ngô, H. M., CSGID Solves Structures and Identifies Phenotypes for Five Enzymes in ., Front Cell Infect Microbiol, vol. 8, p. 352, 2018.
N. Shulzhenko, Dong, X., Vyshenska, D., Greer, R. L., Gurung, M., Vasquez-Perez, S., Peremyslova, E., Sosnovtsev, S., Quezado, M., Yao, M., Montgomery-Recht, K., Strober, W., Fuss, I. J., and Morgun, A., CVID enteropathy is characterized by exceeding low mucosal IgA levels and interferon-driven inflammation possibly related to the presence of a pathobiont., Clin Immunol, vol. 197, pp. 139-153, 2018.
A. Larios Mora, Detalle, L., Gallup, J. M., Van Geelen, A., Stohr, T., Duprez, L., and Ackermann, M. R., Delivery of ALX-0171 by inhalation greatly reduces respiratory syncytial virus disease in newborn lambs., MAbs, vol. 10, no. 5, pp. 778-795, 2018.
A. J. Singh, Ramsey, S. A., Filtz, T. M., and Kioussi, C., Differential gene regulatory networks in development and disease., Cell Mol Life Sci, vol. 75, no. 6, pp. 1013-1025, 2018.
D. P. Knowles, Kappmeyer, L. S., Haney, D., Herndon, D. R., Fry, L. M., Munro, J. B., Sears, K. P., Ueti, M. W., Wise, L. N., Silva, M., Schneider, D. A., Grause, J., White, S. N., Tretina, K., Bishop, R. P., Odongo, D. O., Pelzel-McCluskey, A. M., Scoles, G. A., Mealey, R. H., and Silva, J. C., Discovery of a novel species, Theileria haneyi n. sp., infective to equids, highlights exceptional genomic diversity within the genus Theileria: implications for apicomplexan parasite surveillance., Int J Parasitol, vol. 48, no. 9-10, pp. 679-690, 2018.
C. M. Scully, Estill, C. T., Amodei, R., McKune, A., Gribbin, K. P., Meaker, M., Stormshak, F., and Roselli, C. E., Early prenatal androgen exposure reduces testes size and sperm concentration in sheep without altering neuroendocrine differentiation and masculine sexual behavior., Domest Anim Endocrinol, vol. 62, pp. 1-9, 2018.
D. K Apperson, Vorachek, W. R., Dolan, B. P., Bobe, G., Pirelli, G. J., and Hall, J. A., Effects of feeding pregnant beef cows selenium-enriched alfalfa hay on passive transfer of ovalbumin in their newborn calves., J Trace Elem Med Biol, vol. 50, pp. 640-645, 2018.
M. Schrama, Gorsich, E. E., Hunting, E. R., S Barmentlo, H., Beechler, B. R., and van Bodegom, P. M., Eutrophication and predator presence overrule the effects of temperature on mosquito survival and development., PLoS Negl Trop Dis, vol. 12, no. 3, p. e0006354, 2018.
S. A. Semevolos, Duesterdieck-Zellmer, K. F., Larson, M., and Kinsley, M. A., Expression of pro-apoptotic markers is increased along the osteochondral junction in naturally occurring osteochondrosis., Bone Rep, vol. 9, pp. 19-26, 2018.
A. J. Singh, Chang, C. - N., Ma, H. - Y., Ramsey, S. A., Filtz, T. M., and Kioussi, C., FACS-Seq analysis of Pax3-derived cells identifies non-myogenic lineages in the embryonic forelimb., Sci Rep, vol. 8, no. 1, p. 7670, 2018.
K. L. Townsend, Milovancev, M., and Bracha, S., Feasibility of near-infrared fluorescence imaging for sentinel lymph node evaluation of the oral cavity in healthy dogs., Am J Vet Res, vol. 79, no. 9, pp. 995-1000, 2018.
R. K. Kasimanickam, Hall, J. B., Estill, C. T., Kastelic, J. P., Joseph, C., Aziz, R. L. Abdel, and Nak, D., Flunixin meglumine improves pregnancy rate in embryo recipient beef cows with an excitable temperament., Theriogenology, vol. 107, pp. 70-77, 2018.
A. J. Janik, Markle, D. F., Heidel, J. R., and Kent, M. L., Histopathology and external examination of heavily parasitized Lost River Sucker Deltistes luxatus (Cope 1879) and Shortnose Sucker Chasmistes brevirostris (Cope 1879) from Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon., J Fish Dis, vol. 41, no. 11, pp. 1675-1687, 2018.
