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J. A. Hall and Washabau, R. J.,
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J. A. Hall, Picton, R. A., Finneran, P. S., Bird, K. E., Skinner, M. M., Jewell, D. E., and Zicker, S.,
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J. A. Hall, Picton, R. A., Finneran, P. S., Bird, K. E., Skinner, M. M., Jewell, D. E., and Zicker, S.,
“Dietary antioxidants and behavioral enrichment enhance neutrophil phagocytosis in geriatric Beagles.”,
Veterinary immunology and immunopathology, vol. 113, no. 1-2, pp. 224-33, 2006.
J. A. Hall, Brockman, J. A., and Jewell, D. E.,
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J. A. Hall, Brockman, J. A., and Jewell, D. E.,
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Veterinary immunology and immunopathology, vol. 144, no. 3-4, pp. 355-65, 2011.
J. A. Hall, Henry, L. R., Jha, S., Skinner, M. M., Jewell, D. E., and Wander, R. C.,
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