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W. M. Ray, Gustafson, S. B., and Huber, M. J., Tibial plateau leveling osteotomy in a llama with a ruptured cranial cruciate ligament., Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, vol. 225, no. 11, pp. 1739-42, 1702, 2004.
A. J. Kaneps, Huber, M. J., and Snyder, S. P., Comparison of autogenous cancellous bone grafts obtained from the sternum and proximal portion of the tibia of llamas., Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, vol. 215, no. 3, pp. 362-5, 1999.
J. S. Mattoon, Parker, J. E., and Huber, M. J., What is your diagnosis? Disruption of the caudal portion of the reciprocal apparatus in a horse., Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, vol. 214, no. 6, pp. 783-4, 1999.
M. J. Huber and Grisel, G. R., Abscess on the lateral epicondyle of the humerus as a cause of lameness in a horse., Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, vol. 211, no. 12, pp. 1558-61, 1997.
G. R. Grisel and Huber, M. J., Repair of a mid-diaphyseal femoral fracture in a boar., Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, vol. 209, no. 9, pp. 1608-10, 1996.
W. B. Schmotzer, Huber, M. J., Frank, A. A., Riebold, T. W., Hollingshead, N. C., and Smith, B. B., Evaluation of Janeway gastrostomy in llamas., American journal of veterinary research, vol. 55, no. 2, pp. 301-4, 1994.
T. W. Riebold, Engel, H. N., Grubb, T. L., Adams, J. G., Huber, M. J., and Schmotzer, W. B., Orotracheal and nasotracheal intubation in llamas., Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, vol. 204, no. 5, pp. 779-83, 1994.
M. H. Reacher, Huber, M. J., Canagaratnam, R., and Alghassany, A., A trial of surgery for trichiasis of the upper lid from trachoma., The British journal of ophthalmology, vol. 74, no. 2, pp. 109-13, 1990.
A. J. Kaneps, Schmotzer, W. B., Huber, M. J., Riebold, T. W., Watrous, B. J., and Arnold, J. S., Fracture repair with transfixation pins and fiberglass cast in llamas and small ruminants., Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, vol. 195, no. 9, pp. 1257-61, 1989.
A. J. Kaneps, Riebold, T. W., Schmotzer, W. B., Watrous, B. J., and Huber, M. J., Surgical correction of congenital medial patellar luxation in a llama., Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, vol. 194, no. 4, pp. 547-8, 1989.
M. J. Huber, Smith, S. A., and Smith, S. E., Mydriatic drugs for diabetic patients., The British journal of ophthalmology, vol. 69, no. 6, pp. 425-7, 1985.
