General Information

This clinic is a specialty outpatient appointment with a multidisciplinary team of veterinarians and a podiatrist with a special interest in endocrinology and chronic laminitis of horses, ponies, mules and donkeys.

Veterinarians leading this clinic have a special interest in patients with endocrine diseases and are dedicated to seeing cases with similar concerns for the entire day. This allows for focused dedication and a team approach to these complex cases.

This clinic is at the Lois Bates Acheson Veterinary Teaching Hospital at Oregon State University’s Carlson College of Veterinary Medicine and held on specified dates.  

Appointment availability will be announced by email, on our website or by calling reception at 541-737-2858.


Appointments can be scheduled by calling reception at 541-737-2858. We recommend booking in advance as appointment slots are limited.

Appointment durations typically range from four to six hours but may take longer if farrier services are being pursued during the same visit. You may leave during the day after your check-in and return later in the afternoon for discussion with the medical team and pick up.

We ask that you fill out the history form and send it to us by email at least two days prior to your appointment, along with any pertinent attachments such as lab work results. 

We will also reach out to your veterinarian for records.

Your equid should be fasted for three hours before your appointment time. 

Pain medications (such as Bute, Banamine, or Equioxx) should not be given on the day of the appointment, but other medications can be continued.


  • Comprehensive Evaluation: Including medical and dietary history, physical examination, and morphometric measurements.
  • Dietary Assessment: Hay sampling and nutrient analysis, as well as a detailed questionnaire about feeding practices.
  • Orthopedic Evaluation: Thorough hoof evaluation and soundness exam.
  • Feet Radiographs: Digital radiographs for guiding trimming and shoeing in chronic laminitis cases.
  • Laboratory Tests: CBC and chemistry profiles, ACTH levels, TRH stimulation tests (available seasonally), insulin and glucose tests and measurement of adipokines (leptin).
  • Consultation with a Surgeon and a Farrier: They will evaluate soundness, hoof conformation and radiographs to recommend the most appropriate hoof care.
  • Trimming and Shoeing: Farrier services may be requested for the afternoon of your visit. These need to be confirmed at least one week prior to the appointment.

On-site farrier services may be scheduled at your request one week prior to the appointment. Alternatively, we can provide specific recommendations for your farrier to ensure optimal hoof health.

Not through this clinic, as this is for scheduled outpatient care for stable patients with chronic conditions. For urgent concerns, our Large Animal Internal Medicine and Large Animal Emergency services offer daily appointments and emergency options. They can be reached by calling reception at 541-737-2858.

Results and Follow-Up

Yes, stress and pain can affect certain diagnostic results; however, waiting about 30 minutes after transportation is sufficient to allow for accurate interpretation of results.

Most results will be available on the same day as the appointment. Tests performed at outside labs, including hay analysis, leptin and insulin levels, may take one to two weeks. We will contact you as soon as they are ready.

Yes, we can work with your primary care veterinarian through consultations to ensure continuity of care and effective management of your horse’s condition.

Yes, you will have full access to your horse’s medical records and diagnostic reports. We will provide copies for your primary care veterinarian as well.

Yes, prescriptions can be filled at any licensed pharmacy. We can provide the necessary documentation for you to do so.


The comprehensive evaluation costs $1,100-1,350. This includes a thorough evaluation by a multidisciplinary team, diagnostic testing and radiographs of both front feet.

Adding radiographs of hind feet may be recommended depending on signs and will bring the estimate up to $1,850.

Farrier services, if hired, have additional charges estimated to be between $200-500.
Medications, if recommended, are not included in this estimate.

Prices are subject to change.

A detailed estimate will be provided once you make an appointment.