Abstract | OBJECTIVE: To compare bursting pressures in canine jejunum, measured by use of an in vitro and an in situ bursting pressure technique. STUDY POPULATION: Cadavers of 3 healthy adult dogs. PROCEDURES: 54 enterotomies were performed on 3 canine cadavers immediately after euthanasia. After completion of enterotomy closure, bursting pressure was measured on 9 jejunal segments by use of an in situ technique and on 9 jejunal segments by use of an in vitro technique for each canine cadaver. Bursting pressure testing time was recorded for both in situ and in vitro techniques. Techniques were compared by means of randomized block ANOVA. RESULTS: The mean +/- SE in vitro and in situ bursting pressures were 93.63 +/- 24.10 mm Hg and 141.19 +/- 38.10 mm Hg and were not significantly different. Mean in situ testing time was 40.7 min/cadaver; mean in vitro testing time was 50.3 min/cadaver. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The in situ bursting pressure testing technique yielded results similar to those of the in vitro method, was somewhat less labor-intensive, and may be applicable to future studies of live dogs.