The Dean’s Office handles administration and student services. We are your support center and strive to provide friendly service to ease you through your four years of the professional DVM program.
Carlson College of Veterinary Medicine
Dean's Office, 200 Magruder Hall
700 SW 30th Street
Corvallis, OR 97331
Hours: 8am – 5pm, Monday-Friday
Dean's Office Reception:
Fax: 541-737-4245
Dr. Susan Tornquist
Lois Bates Acheson Dean
Dr. Joe Klopfenstein
Associate Dean for Student Success
Phone: 541-737-2858
Dr. Stacy Semevolos
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Graduate Programs
Phone: 541-737-8651
Curriculum development, faculty teaching methods, outcomes assessments, graduate programs
Tess Collins
Assistant Dean of Admissions & First-Year Experience
Phone: 541-737-6985
Admissions and transfer advising, prospective student information, CCVM recruitment & outreach, and first-year student experience.
Jason Tanenbaum
Student Services Coordinator
Phone: 541-737-2268
Student advisor and student records, course scheduling and registration, graduation clearance.
Beth Chamblin
Executive Assistant to the Dean
Phone: 541-737-6776
Arranges appointments with the Dean; scholarship coordination; development and alumni liaison.
Jens Odegaard
Director of Marketing & Communications
Phone: 541-737-3844
Marketing, storytelling, public relations, media relations, publications and social media.
Danielle Meyersick
Events and Alumni Relations Coordinator
Phone: 541-737-6779
Event management, alumni relations and student club facilitation.
David Allison
Administrative Program Assistant
Phone: 541-737-0586
Pet Memorial questions, room scheduling, maintains various student related web pages.
Anna Justice
Sr. Director of Development
Phone: 541-737-1003
Responsible for all fundraising efforts involving or benefiting the College.
Scott Normandin
Phone: 541-737-2098
Coordinates all shipping and receiving of supplies and mail for the Carlson College of Veterinary Medicine.