Comparative Health Sciences is a multi-disciplinary program offering graduate training towards MS and PhD degrees. The program encourages applicants with an interest in complex contemporaneous issues that require multi-disciplinary approaches to be addressed. Faculty involved in the program have interests ranging from microbiology, ecology, immunology, nutrition, food science, bio-engineering, veterinary medicine, public health, human health, bioinformatics, mathematical modeling, microbiome, neuroscience and others.
The program encourages co-mentorship from different disciplines, but also accepts students working in traditional fields. We have a strong international component and diversity of ideas and innovation is valued. Strong student involvement and participation in the program is sought.
Training involves classes, laboratory research, outreach activities, teaching and direct participation in a seminar series. Students are supported by graduate teaching, graduate assistantships, and scholarships provided by the program. This program is individually designed to support the needs of innovative research. Graduate students are expected to be major participants in the scientific output of the program.