Objective of the Program

The objective of the program is to provide an opportunity for students enrolled in years 1 and 2 in the professional veterinary program to have a faculty-guided, positive, and rewarding research experience in the basic sciences, with the intention of increasing student awareness and excitement for the challenges of research.

Time Commitment:  Students must commit to a 12-week program and are expected to their research results at the 21st Annual Carlson College of Veterinary Medicine Research Day, Thursday, August 28, 2025 in Magruder Hall 1152.

Award: Students will receive an award payment of $3000 for their participation, paid in 2 checks scheduled over the summer. This awarded amount cannot be given in advance of the scheduled pay dates which begin in July.

Project Budget: The maximum funding for supplies is $1,000.

List of Summer Projects and Faculty Mentors - Updated November 20, 2024


Application Process

1. Choose a mentor & project from the official list of Biomedical Summer Research Projects & Mentors
2. Contact the mentor and meet to discuss project.
3. Complete the Application Form, print it and have your mentor sign it.
4. Mail to Oregon State University, 107 Dryden Hall, Corvallis, OR 97331 or email to cvm.biomed@oregonstate.edu
5. DEADLINE: All parts of the application are due by 5:00 PM on Friday, January 31, 2025. (Late applications NOT considered)