TitleHematology and condition factor of tui chub and fathead minnow parasitized by nematode from Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon, USA.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsMartins, ML, Tavares-Dias, M, Janik, AJ, Kent, ML, Jerônimo, GT
JournalDis Aquat Organ
Date Published2017 Nov 21
KeywordsAnimals, Fish Diseases, Fishes, Lakes, Nematode Infections, Oregon

This study evaluated the hematological profile and condition factor (Kn) of tui chub Siphateles bicolor and fathead minnow Pimephales promelas and their associations with larvae of Contracaecum sp. infection of the heart. A total of 30 tui chub and 17 fathead minnow were collected from Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon, USA, measured, and weighed and blood was drawn for hematological analysis. Nematode larvae parasitized tui chub with a prevalence of 50% and mean intensity of 1.40, while 11.8% of fathead minnow were parasitized at a mean intensity of 1.0. Non-parasitized tui chub were significantly larger than the parasitized fish, indicating that small fish could be easily predated by the definitive host, a piscivorous bird. Although the relatively large worm occupied a large portion of the atrium, the presence of the larvae did not affect tui chub Kn, possibly associated with low parasite intensity and a harmonic co-evolution. Only parasitized fathead minnow showed significant differences in red blood cell measurements (greater cell width and larger nuclei) compared to non-parasitized fish. Lymphocytes were the most common white blood cells found in tui chub, followed by neutrophils, monocytes, and periodic acid-Schiff positive granular leukocytes; in fathead minnow lymphocytes were followed by heterophils, monocytes, neutrophils and eosinophils. This study is the first report of Kn and description of blood cells and hematological parameters in these fish species.

Alternate JournalDis Aquat Organ
PubMed ID29160223