TitleImaging of the Urinary and Reproductive Tract in Small Ruminants.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsStieger-Vanegas, SM, McKenzie, EC
JournalVet Clin North Am Food Anim Pract
Date Published2021 Mar

Ultrasound imaging is the mainstay of urinary and reproductive imaging in small ruminants, assisted by the relatively superficial location of the urinary and reproductive tracts in these species. Radiography can provide an excellent overview of the abdomen, but is often limited by a lack of adequate penetration. Computed tomography scans provide summation-free imaging of the urinary and reproductive tracts in addition to information about the excretion of contrast agent by the kidneys, but can be limited by availability and cost.

Alternate JournalVet Clin North Am Food Anim Pract
PubMed ID33358313