TitleResonance wavelength-dependent signal of absorptive particles in surface plasmon resonance-based detection.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsFu, E, Ramsey, SA, Chen, J, Chinowsky, TM, Wiley, B, Xia, Y, Yager, P
JournalSens Actuators B Chem
Date Published2007 Apr 10

We describe the resonance wavelength-dependent signal of absorptive particles in surface plasmon resonance (SPR)-based detection using both modeling and experimental results. The particles, gold nanocages, have a significant absorption cross-section in the nearinfrared (NIR), resulting in a wavelength-dependent refractive index as measured by SPR. The SPR signal due to the nanocages varies by 4-fold over resonance wavelengths from 650 nm to 950 nm. The greatest SPR signal occurs at the longest resonance wavelengths; its magnitude is due to the inherent increase in sensitivity of SPR on gold with increasing wavelength and the optical absorption properties of the nanocages.

Alternate JournalSens Actuators B Chem
PubMed ID18401440
PubMed Central IDPMC2084347
Grant ListU01 DE014971 / DE / NIDCR NIH HHS / United States
U01 DE014971-04 / DE / NIDCR NIH HHS / United States