Title | Sarcocystis neurona-like encephalitis in a Canada lynx (Felis lynx canadensis). |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2000 |
Authors | Forest, TW, Abou-Madi, N, Summers, BA, Tornquist, SJ, Cooper, BJ |
Journal | Journal of zoo and wildlife medicine : official publication of the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians |
Volume | 31 |
Issue | 3 |
Pagination | 383-7 |
Date Published | 2000 Sep |
Keywords | Sarcocystosis |
Abstract | A 13-yr-old female Canada lynx (Felis lynx canadensis) died after a short clinical illness, and necropsy revealed multifocal, nonsuppurative encephalitis with protozoal schizonts present in cerebral vascular endothelial cells. The schizonts stained immunohistochemically with antiserum to Sarcocystis neurona. This is the first report of Sarcocystis encephalitis in the Canada lynx.