TitleShort-Chain Fatty Acids Promote subsp. Growth in Nutrient-Limited Environments and Influence Susceptibility to Antibiotics.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsSilva, CAdriano de, Rojony, R, Bermudez, LE, Danelishvili, L
Date Published2020 Aug 26

subsp. (MAH) is a common intracellular pathogen that infects immunocompromised individuals and patients with pre-existing chronic lung diseases, such as cystic fibrosis, who develop chronic and persistent pulmonary infections. The metabolic remodeling of MAH in response to host environmental stresses or within biofilms formed in bronchial airways plays an important role in development of the persistence phenotype contributing to the pathogen's tolerance to antibiotic treatment. Recent studies suggest a direct relationship between bacterial metabolic state and antimicrobial susceptibility, and improved antibiotic efficacy has been associated with the enhanced metabolism in bacteria. In the current study, we tested approximately 200 exogenous carbon source-dependent metabolites and identified short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) substrates (propionic, butyric and caproic acids) that MAH can utilize in different physiological states. Selected SCFA enhanced MAH metabolic activity in planktonic and sessile states as well as in the static and established biofilms during nutrient-limited condition. The increased bacterial growth was observed in all conditions except in established biofilms. We also evaluated the influence of SCFA on MAH susceptibility to clinically used antibiotics in established biofilms and during infection of macrophages and found significant reduction in viable bacterial counts in vitro and in cultured macrophages, suggesting improved antibiotic effectiveness against persistent forms of MAH.

Alternate JournalPathogens
PubMed ID32859077
PubMed Central IDPMC7559849
Grant ListFS062E-VF01 / / Oregon State University Foundation /
VBS330-VG91 / / Carlson College of Veterinary Medicine, Oregon State University Internal Research Program /