Bastet came into our lives almost 20 years ago. She was a rescued kitten from a feral population and could not be matched with a mother. In spite of her rather rough start in life, she was a very affectionate, smart and curious calico cat. Bastet was a small cat never weighing more than about 5 1/2 pounds, but she made up for her small size by her endless energy, curiosity and love for spying on the neighbors! We took Bastet on many a motor home trip with our dog and our other cat Chloe. Bastet unlike the other 2 pets was never car sick and just loved sitting on top of the couch and watching the world go by as we traveled down the road. But Bastet's favorite past-time was to spy on anyone parked near us when we stopped for the night or stayed for a while in a park. She would be up early in the morning and being so small she could easily fit between the fixed closed blinds and the windows. Usually when we were up and around we would hear from our neighbors that our "Cat" had been watching them go about their morning routine. We were blessed to have Bastet in our lives for as long as we did and she is sorely missed by us. Bastet was much loved by us and memories of her will always make us smile.