We found Bobbie on our front porch several years ago. He had a nasty wound across his nose and was scared, thin and starved, flee-bitten and wormy. I fed him that first morning, and after a few months, and some TLC, he was healthy and settled in as a dear member of our family. He was an excellent, affectionate and handsome kitty. He followed me around like a regular little disciple. He slept with us nightly and was a good alarm clock, with a remarkable understanding of time. He twitched his clever bob-tail when he was thinking. He occupied laps whenever one was available. He shared naps. He liked to play in the water. He never understood what a litter box was, but he was always polite about letting us know when it was time to go outside. He brought us mouse-gifts, including a few live ones.

We never knew how old Bobbie was, but we thought he might be middle-aged. So, I believe he died much too soon. I’d hoped to keep him another ten years. He was all the kitty one could wish for.

We miss Bobbie very much.

Thank you to Milner Veterinary Hospital for making this page possible.