Duke was our beloved family pet since April, 2014. His life ended way too short, but we will forever enjoy the memories we made with him during his short 4 1/2 years of life. Not a day will go by that we won't be looking for him when we get up in the morning. Duke was our first child, and will forever be in our hearts. He was a head-turner and he knew it! He was a beautiful dog, both inside and out who basked in love and attention. He enjoyed nothing more than to ride in the pick-up and experience the constant pointing, waving, looks and smiling he would receive from random strangers. He also enjoyed barking at almost everything and although admittedly scary to the unexpecting onlooker, his bark was nothing more than his excitement shining through. A lover of all people and animals, especially our two young daughters and our cows. He loved to make himself comfortable on the couch, whether you were sitting there or not and his personality made our home a warmer place. He was our greatest protector and biggest fan. Always excited to see us, and always willing to do whatever we were doing. Duke's life made our life better and his death has been very difficult on his entire family. Duke leaves behind his parents, Clell and Molly, his sisters, Hattie and Lena, his best friend, Sam, and numerous other loving relatives. Duke is greatly missed and will forever be in our hearts.