Black and white cat laying on a scratching post

Panther was born at our house 9/17/08. We kept her mama Sandy (who showed up pregnant on our patio), sister Nutmeg & brother Mystery. She was the smallest in the litter so was given a strong name, I could see she was going to be very smart & she truly lived up to her name. A few years later I had cancer surgery, when I came home from the hospital, Panther never left my side from that point on. She loved to be on my lap or sleeping under the covers with us. She loved being with her sister, brother & mama. Panther loved to jump & be up high on furniture. She developed kidney disease when she was 12. We took her to the vets twice a week for fluids, everyone there loved her. She was always so sweet, loving & just knew when you needed her soft touch of comfort, even up to the day we had to say goodbye. I could go on & on with all the stories of crazy smart things she did, it was hard to find a perfect picture of her because there are so many, We will forever miss & love you Panther, thank you for being in our lives. RIP Panther 9/17/08-1/24/24