When we took in our neighborhood's ancient feral boy, once so fearful of humans that he would disappear in a flash if you made eye-contact with him from 10 yards away, he was dangerously sick with a severe abscess and systemic illness. His prognosis wasn't good, and the slim chance he had at recovery depended on both his tolerance of being indoors and acceptance of a lot of medication. Frightened at first, but gentle, he accepted our love and care; and his purrsonality blossomed as he stabilized and began to understand that he was safe. Stripey went from startling awake in his hidey spots every time he started to drift off to sleep to lounging fully stretched out in the middle of the living room, snoring and not bothering to budge no matter what was happening around him. He was in his forever home with his family and knew he was loved. Stripey required a lot of specialized care for the next 4 1/2 years, all of which he accepted readily and with trust. It was an absolute honor to know and care for our beloved boy and get to watch his transformation into one of the most loving, comfortable-in-his-skin, playful, and content creatures we have ever known. Stripey passed on 8/08/23 surrounded by his family and with the help of his exceptional veterinary care team. We love and miss him more than we can possibly express. Goodbye, beloved friend. You live in our hearts always.