Dr. Miller-Morgan working with eel

May 6, 2024

I am pleased to announce that Dr. Timothy J. Miller-Morgan has joined the Division of Research and Innovation as the Associate Attending Veterinarian for Aquatics. This new role is part of a realignment aimed at centralizing and better coordinating animal care across OSU’s Corvallis campus, the Hatfield Marine Science Center, and OSU research stations. This realignment will formally connect Dr. Miller-Morgan and his aquatic animal health team to OSU’s Attending Veterinarian, Dr. Jennifer Sargent, as well as to OSU’s Animal Program Office, which administers the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). This realignment establishes Dr. Miller-Morgan and his team as an OSU-wide resource for researchers, and will strengthen research compliance and promote animal welfare across the university.

Under Dr. Miller-Morgan’s leadership, the Aquatic Animal Health Program has provided aquatic animal husbandry; life support system design, construction and maintenance; and animal health management for aquatic animals at the Hatfield Marine Science Center and for Oregon Sea Grant. This work has been identified by AAALAC International—OSU’s animal program accrediting body—as exemplary and “leading edge.” In Tim’s 30 years of service at OSU, he has been a leader and educator in aquatic animal health. His work with Project Piaba and the Aquarium Science Program have built connections with industry and international partners and is a testament to how Oregon State can contribute to impactful projects in Oregon and beyond.

As Associate Attending Veterinarian for Aquatics, Tim and his team of aquarists — Sid Stetson, Jaimie Hart, and Trevor Erdmann — will leverage their expertise to improve service to our researchers and elevate the welfare of animals involved in our research and teaching endeavors.

Please join me in welcoming Dr. Miller-Morgan and his team to their new roles. We are excited about the opportunities this collaboration presents and look forward to the continued growth and success of our research programs.

Irem Y. Tumer, Ph.D.
Vice President for Research and Innovation

Chris Viggiani, Ph.D.
Associate Vice President for Research Integrity

Bob Cowen, Ph.D.
Associate Vice President of Marine Research Operations