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Journal Article
S. A. Budischak, Hoberg, E. P., Abrams, A., Jolles, A. E., and Ezenwa, V. O., A combined parasitological molecular approach for noninvasive characterization of parasitic nematode communities in wild hosts., Mol Ecol Resour, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 1112-9, 2015.
L. V. Austin, Budischak, S. A., Ramadhin, J., Hoberg, E. P., Abrams, A., Jolles, A. E., and Ezenwa, V. O., A comparison of two methods for quantifying parasitic nematode fecundity., Parasitol Res, vol. 116, no. 5, pp. 1597-1602, 2017.
S. A. Budischak, Hoberg, E. P., Abrams, A., Jolles, A. E., and Ezenwa, V. O., Experimental insight into the process of parasite community assembly., J Anim Ecol, vol. 85, no. 5, pp. 1222-33, 2016.
V. O. Ezenwa and Jolles, A. E., From host immunity to pathogen invasion: the effects of helminth coinfection on the dynamics of microparasites., Integr Comp Biol, vol. 51, no. 4, pp. 540-51, 2011.
B. R. Beechler, Broughton, H., Bell, A., Ezenwa, V. O., and Jolles, A. E., Innate immunity in free-ranging African buffalo (Syncerus caffer): associations with parasite infection and white blood cell counts., Physiol Biochem Zool, vol. 85, no. 3, pp. 255-64, 2012.
C. A. Gaulke, Martins, M. L., Watral, V. G., Humphreys, I. R., Spagnoli, S. T., Kent, M. L., and Sharpton, T. J., A longitudinal assessment of host-microbe-parasite interactions resolves the zebrafish gut microbiome's link to Pseudocapillaria tomentosa infection and pathology., Microbiome, vol. 7, no. 1, p. 10, 2019.
D. F. Markle, Janik, A., Peterson, J. T., Choudhury, A., Simon, D. C., Tkach, V. V., Terwilliger, M. R., Sanders, J. L., and Kent, M. L., Odds ratios and hurdle models: a long-term analysis of parasite infection patterns in endangered young-of-the-year suckers from Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon, USA., Int J Parasitol, vol. 50, no. 4, pp. 315-330, 2020.
M. L. Kent, Bishop-Stewart, J. K., Matthews, J. L., and Spitsbergen, J. M., Pseudocapillaria tomentosa, a nematode pathogen, and associated neoplasms of zebrafish (Danio rerio) kept in research colonies., Comp Med, vol. 52, no. 4, pp. 354-8, 2002.
M. L. Kent, Gaulke, C. A., Watral, V., and Sharpton, T. J., Pseudocapillaria tomentosa in laboratory zebrafish Danio rerio: patterns of infection and dose response., Dis Aquat Organ, vol. 131, no. 2, pp. 121-131, 2018.
M. L. Kent, Watral, V., Villegas, E. N., and Gaulke, C. A., Viability of Eggs Exposed to Heat, Ultraviolet Light, Chlorine, Iodine, and Desiccation., Zebrafish, vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 460-468, 2019.