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E. J. Owens, LeBlanc, N., and Scollan, K., Comparison of left and right atrial volumes determined by two- and three-dimensional echocardiography with those determined by multidetector computed tomography for healthy dogs., Am J Vet Res, vol. 81, no. 1, pp. 33-40, 2020.
B. Ranganathan, LeBlanc, N., Scollan, K., Townsend, K. L., Agarwal, D., and Milovancev, M., Comparison of major complication and survival rates between surgical ligation and use of a canine ductal occluder device for treatment of dogs with left-to-right shunting patent ductus arteriosus., J Am Vet Med Assoc, vol. 253, no. 8, pp. 1046-1052, 2018.
O. Carter, Dashwood, R. H., Wang, R., W Dashwood, M., Orner, G. A., Fischer, K. A., Löhr, C. V., Pereira, C. B., Bailey, G. S., and Williams, D. E., Comparison of white tea, green tea, epigallocatechin-3-gallate, and caffeine as inhibitors of PhIP-induced colonic aberrant crypts., Nutrition and cancer, vol. 58, no. 1, pp. 60-5, 2007.
A. Lev, Princiotta, M. F., Zanker, D., Takeda, K., Gibbs, J. S., Kumagai, C., Waffarn, E., Dolan, B. P., Burgevin, A., Van Endert, P., Chen, W., Bennink, J. R., and Yewdell, J. W., Compartmentalized MHC class I antigen processing enhances immunosurveillance by circumventing the law of mass action., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 107, no. 15, pp. 6964-9, 2010.
L. Giacani, Jeffrey, B. M., Molini, B. J., Le, H. V. T., Lukehart, S. A., Centurion-Lara, A., and Rockey, D. D., Complete genome sequence and annotation of the Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum Chicago strain., Journal of bacteriology, vol. 192, no. 10, pp. 2645-6, 2010.
L. Giacani, Jeffrey, B. M., Molini, B. J., Le, H. V. T., Lukehart, S. A., Centurion-Lara, A., and Rockey, D. D., Complete genome sequence and annotation of the Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum Chicago strain., J Bacteriol, vol. 192, no. 10, pp. 2645-6, 2010.
L. Giacani, Jeffrey, B. M., Molini, B. J., Le, H. V. T., Lukehart, S. A., Centurion-Lara, A., and Rockey, D. D., Complete genome sequence and annotation of the Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum Chicago strain., Journal of bacteriology, vol. 192, no. 10, pp. 2645-6, 2010.
L. Giacani, Jeffrey, B. M., Molini, B. J., Le, H. V. T., Lukehart, S. A., Centurion-Lara, A., and Rockey, D. D., Complete genome sequence and annotation of the Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum Chicago strain., J Bacteriol, vol. 192, no. 10, pp. 2645-6, 2010.
S. T. Koo, LeBlanc, N., Scollan, K., and Sisson, D. D., Complete transposition of the great arteries with double outlet right ventricle in a dog., J Vet Cardiol, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 179-86, 2016.
B. Chow, Hill, S. L., Richter, K. P., Marsilio, S., Ackermann, M. R., Lidbury, J. A., Suchodolski, J. S., Cocker, S., and Steiner, J. M., Comprehensive comparison of upper and lower endoscopic small intestinal biopsy in cats with chronic enteropathy., J Vet Intern Med, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 190-198, 2021.
S. L. Losinski, Townsend, K. L., Kruzic, J. J., Robertson, B. Love, Sandwisch, J. M. Murdoch, Milovancev, M., and Nemanic, S., Computed tomographic imaging and mechanical analysis of cellophane banding secured with locking polymer clips for portosystemic shunts in canine cadavers., Am J Vet Res, vol. 78, no. 11, pp. 1338-1346, 2017.
H. Yin, Boisguerin, P., Moulton, H. M., Betts, C., Seow, Y., Boutilier, J., Wang, Q., Walsh, A., Lebleu, B., and Wood, M. Ja, Context Dependent Effects of Chimeric Peptide Morpholino Conjugates Contribute to Dystrophin Exon-skipping Efficiency., Mol Ther Nucleic Acids, vol. 2, p. e124, 2013.
H. Yin, Boisguerin, P., Moulton, H. M., Betts, C., Seow, Y., Boutilier, J., Wang, Q., Walsh, A., Lebleu, B., and Wood, M. J. A., Context Dependent Effects of Chimeric Peptide Morpholino Conjugates Contribute to Dystrophin Exon-skipping Efficiency., Molecular therapy. Nucleic acids, vol. 2, p. e124, 2013.
H. Yin, Boisguerin, P., Moulton, H. M., Betts, C., Seow, Y., Boutilier, J., Wang, Q., Walsh, A., Lebleu, B., and Wood, M. J. A., Context Dependent Effects of Chimeric Peptide Morpholino Conjugates Contribute to Dystrophin Exon-skipping Efficiency., Mol Ther Nucleic Acids, vol. 22, p. 166, 2020.
H. F. Tavalire, Beechler, B. R., Buss, P. E., Gorsich, E. E., Hoal, E. G., le Roex, N., Spaan, J. M., Spaan, R. S., van Helden, P. D., Ezenwa, V. O., and Jolles, A. E., Context-dependent costs and benefits of tuberculosis resistance traits in a wild mammalian host., Ecol Evol, vol. 8, no. 24, pp. 12712-12726, 2018.
K. A. Allenspach, Mochel, J. P., Du, Y., Priestnall, S. L., Moore, F., Slayter, M., Rodrigues, A., Ackermann, M. R., Krockenberger, M., Mansell, J., Luckschander, N., Wang, C., Suchodolski, J., Berghoff, N., and Jergens, A. E., Correlating Gastrointestinal Histopathologic Changes to Clinical Disease Activity in Dogs With Idiopathic Inflammatory Bowel Disease., Vet Pathol, vol. 56, no. 3, pp. 435-443, 2019.
J. D. Lykins, Filippova, E. V., Halavaty, A. S., Minasov, G., Zhou, Y., Dubrovska, I., Flores, K. J., Shuvalova, L. A., Ruan, J., Bissati, K. El, Dovgin, S., Roberts, C. W., Woods, S., Moulton, J. D., Moulton, H. M., McPhillie, M. J., Muench, S. P., Fishwick, C. W. G., Sabini, E., Shanmugam, D., Roos, D. S., McLeod, R., Anderson, W. F., and Ngô, H. M., CSGID Solves Structures and Identifies Phenotypes for Five Enzymes in ., Front Cell Infect Microbiol, vol. 8, p. 352, 2018.
C. Parachini-Winter, Curran, K. M., Pellin, M. K., Laver, T., Hanot, C., Vernier, T. H., and Séguin, B., Cutaneous and subcutaneous metastasis of appendicular osteosarcoma in dogs: 20 cases., J Vet Intern Med, vol. 33, no. 5, pp. 2200-2208, 2019.
N. LeBlanc, Defrancesco, T. C., Adams, A. K., Atkins, C. E., Tou, S. P., Fudge, J. Curt, and Keene, B. W., Cutting balloon catheterization for interventional treatment of cor triatriatum dexter: 2 cases., J Vet Cardiol, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 525-30, 2012.
D. Hwang, Rust, A. G., Ramsey, S. A., Smith, J. J., Leslie, D. M., Weston, A. D., de Atauri, P., Aitchison, J. D., Hood, L., Siegel, A. F., and Bolouri, H., A data integration methodology for systems biology., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, vol. 102, no. 48, pp. 17296-301, 2005.
D. Hwang, Smith, J. J., Leslie, D. M., Weston, A. D., Rust, A. G., Ramsey, S. A., de Atauri, P., Siegel, A. F., Bolouri, H., Aitchison, J. D., and Hood, L., A data integration methodology for systems biology: experimental verification., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, vol. 102, no. 48, pp. 17302-7, 2005.
C. Lupfer and Pastey, M., Decreased replication of human respiratory syncytial virus treated with the proteasome inhibitor MG-132., Virus research, vol. 149, no. 1, pp. 36-41, 2010.
B. P. Dolan, Li, L., Takeda, K., Bennink, J. R., and Yewdell, J. W., Defective ribosomal products are the major source of antigenic peptides endogenously generated from influenza A virus neuraminidase., Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950), vol. 184, no. 3, pp. 1419-24, 2010.
R. Abes, Moulton, H. M., Clair, P., Yang, S. - T., Abes, S., Melikov, K., Prevot, P., Youngblood, D. S., Iversen, P. L., Chernomordik, L. V., and Lebleu, B., Delivery of steric block morpholino oligomers by (R-X-R)4 peptides: structure-activity studies., Nucleic acids research, vol. 36, no. 20, pp. 6343-54, 2008.
D. P. Durham, Mbah, M. L. Ndeffo, Medlock, J., Luz, P. M., Meyers, L. A., A Paltiel, D., and Galvani, A. P., Dengue dynamics and vaccine cost-effectiveness in Brazil., Vaccine, vol. 31, no. 37, pp. 3957-61, 2013.
